Saturday, November 14, 2009

Jack learns how to "spoon"

We've been working on this for awhile but it's taken a lot of perseverance on our part and a lot of floor mopping (and dog licking) to get it right! I'm still waiting for Jack to learn how to use the spoon as a catapult to splat his food into my face but I'm sure that will come soon enough. Jack still needs some practice so that every meal doesn't take 45 minutes but we're very proud and thought we would share some footage with you. I know you'll find the video incredibly gripping!

Favorite foods continue to be yogurt, toast, any sort of crunchy puff or cracker, black beans (the spicier the better) and sweet potatoes. Grilled ham (like on a breakfast platter) is a new favorite along with vanilla cookies from Earth's Best. These are delicious, by the way, if you happen to be looking for a new treat! We're still trying out textures -- Jack doesn't seem to be a big fan of anything that isn't easily mushed -- but his likes and dislikes can change like the weather. I thought that his new tooth acquisition (we're up to 8 now) would widen his options but he seems to be a creature of habit.

Never mind the coffee filter on Jack's head. Rob needs some entertainment sometimes and it doesn't take much to make him happy...

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