So do you remember this sweet, angelic, perfect baby? Well, while nursing this afternoon he bit me so hard that I bled. So much for sweet, angelic and perfect... I have said in the past that I would do anything for this little boy but I may have spoken too soon. The books say that you are never to cry out in pain if this happens because it could frighten your child so much that it brings on a hunger strike. 30 minutes ago I was wishing that I had never read any mommy books because a 2 day hunger strike would give me time to heal! I'm really hoping that this was a one time thing because I was shooting for 12 months of breast feeding but I don't know if the "girls" can take much more abuse! Poor kid must be working on the gigantic molars right now because he looks absolutely miserable and the teething toys just aren't doing the trick anymore. Finally got him down for an overdue afternoon nap a few minutes ago after listening to him make sounds that weren't quite human for a full 15 minutes. I am currently enjoying the fact that Jack isn't using the icy teething apple right now so I can hold it on my throbbing breast. At least someone is getting some relief!
Had a good morning/early afternoon at Strollercize with the mommies. Lots of people I have never met before and I'm not even sure that they are members of our group. They may have just attached themselves to us -- like barnacles! I'm sure they are wonderful women, but it has taken me a long time to get comfortable with the core group of mommies and I just wasn't feeling very welcoming today. We have just finally started talking about "real" things -- like books, movies, what we did pre-baby and dishing about the daddies but we seem to be back to breastfeeding and teething discussions. I know this sounds a little like the pot calling the kettle black since I just spent a full paragraph bitching about nothing but breastfeeding and teething, but this is my personal venting space so I feel entitled.
Listening to the monitor now -- Jack is calm and sighing. Joy to my ears. I'm going to go outside and enjoy the 70 degree weather for a little bit longer and try to forget that I'm probably still bleeding...
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