Sunday, June 14, 2009

First (and maybe last?) trip to the library

Ok -- so today was our first trip to the Children's Library in Downtown Denver. Huge space, lots of germy fun toys and drooly stuffed animals to play with. Little did I know that it would also be the home to lecherous weekend dads and ridiculously overbearing moms. Rob was in the grown-up section while Jack and I staked out some prime floor space and waited for the action. For future reference, DO NOT wear a low cut dress to the library on a Sunday afternoon. The father of a 16-month old wearing a Superman costume was ogling me like I was the first woman he had seen after a long stint in the joint while his child -- deeply in need of Ritalin -- repeatedly ran head first into bookcases. As for the overbearing moms -- I actually heard a mother say to her daughter, "No, you can't have that book. It's not on the recommended reading list. We won't be reading anything this summer if it's not on the recommended reading list." Heaven forbid the poor little girl might want to read a book that she was excited about in addition to the listed books. Way to go, mom! Make your child book-phobic so that the only thing she will read when she is out from under your thumb is the want-ads or the side of a cereal box. Please make sure that you crack me upside the head if you ever hear me say ANYTHING like this to Jack. Rob would be heartbroken if Jack didn't become an avid reader -- he already has a list of books that he wants Jack to read as soon as he is able! I promise we'll return to the library. Often. But, I'll be the mom wearing a turtleneck and carrying a spray bottle of germicide...

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