Friday, October 23, 2009

10 Ways I love my son differently than I love my husband

  1. I would never let Rob throw up on me 5 times in a row and then let him snuggle up for comfort.
  2. I would never leave the house with vomit in my hair, even if Rob asked me to -- for any reason.
  3. I would never sit in the car for an hour doing crossword puzzles so Rob could finish enjoying a nap in the backseat.
  4. I do not prepare 6 healthy meals and snacks a day for Rob to eat.
  5. I do not buy Rob a toy every time I make a trip to Target. In my defense, Rob's toys are too expensive!
  6. Jack gets to see my boobs way more than Rob does.
  7. Jack has 4 different modes of transportation (including 2 strollers, the car seat and being carried.) Rob has only 2 (the car and the train.) Also, I almost never carry Rob anywhere and he never gets to use the car because Jack and I are always using it.
  8. I spend much more time Googling how to care for babies than I ever spent Googling how to care for husbands.
  9. I go on more dates with Jack than I do with Rob. Sure, they are play dates, but they still count!
  10. I don't tell "poop" jokes to make Rob laugh. Jack thinks they are awesome! Wait -- now that I think about it, Rob thinks they are awesome too...

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