Keep your hats on -- this might be a little advanced for the uninitiated...
Amy math is a fairly new concept. It's not being taught in schools yet, but it might be a part of the curriculum soon. In a nutshell, Amy math is the way that I justify purchases by telling Rob how much money I have saved us by buying something. It goes something like this:
"Hi sweetie! How was your day?" Then, without waiting for an answer, I launch into a diatribe of all the places we went that day, all the people we saw and all of the things we did. Somewhere in the middle of this travelogue I will insert one of the following equations:
- "So, you know how I haven't had to buy tampons for 18 months now? I decided since I was saving us $8 every month that I would buy a Santa suit for Jack."
- "So, you know how I don't have to pay a $14.99 sitting fee every time we go to Sears to have Jack's pictures taken? I decided to use the $90 that I saved us to buy myself 3 new sweaters. Also, I got you some socks."
- "So, you know how we haven't been out to eat in, like, 4 months? I decided to use the $150 that we would have been spending on food, drinks and tips to buy Jack a trampoline."
- "So, you know how our insurance co-pays went from $30 to $15? I decided that with the hundreds of dollars that we will be saving this year that I would buy a puppy."
- "So, you know how Jack's hospital bills came to just over $180,000? Since we only had to fork over $2000 in co-pays , I decided that I would use the $178,000 that we saved to buy a vacation home. An inexpensive vacation home, but a vacation home nonetheless. We need to get away sometimes."
I am happy to report that with the $40 I saved just by posting this blog entry electronically instead of mailing out hard copies or using precious cell phone minutes to tell everyone about this concept I will be buying Jack 5 new boardbooks. See how easy that is??
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