Friday, February 19, 2010

Why won't Jack eat (and other burning questions)

I dragged Jack out of the house yesterday -- sans nap -- for a re-check at the pediatrician following his first major ear infection. He is absolutely fine, but Mommy was chided for baby Jack's weight loss of 1/2 pound in one week. I wasn't going to argue with the scale, but I do remember that Jack was wearing a really heavy sweater and boots at his last weigh in. Shouldn't that count for something??

How was I supposed to force a sick baby to eat? I can't even get this kid to sit still long enough to snack when he is well!

Jack's Top 10 (or only 10) Foods right now
  1. Gerber cheese puffs
  2. Yogurt
  3. Meatloaf
  4. Burgers (sans bun)
  5. Cheese quesadillas (preferably in a restaurant, not the ones that Mommy makes.)
  6. Cheese -- any form.
  7. Breakfast meat -- ham, sausage, etc.
  8. Cheesy rice (are you sensing a pattern here?)
  9. Pasta -- white sauce only, please.
  10. Crackers and/or toast, depending on the day.

What happened to my superstar eater who would lunge at the spoon if you didn't get it to his mouth fast enough? Not a single fruit or vegetable will pass his lips unless it is disguised in a smoothie or diced up small enough that he can't pick it out. Now that Jack has (somewhat) mastered the spoon and fork, meals take soooooo much longer and he gets bored long before he has had enough to eat. He won't let anyone feed him since he is now such a "big boy" who doesn't need any assistance. Perhaps he would like to prepare his own meals too??

Thank God this kid is still nursing occasionally or I would be worried that he wasn't getting any nutrients at all!

That being said, I still enjoy the rare occasion when Jack will gobble up an entire chicken breast, a huge bowl of applesauce and will actually allow a vegetable into his mouth.

I didn't think that I would be dealing with a picky eater so early in the game. I fear what will happen at age 2 when he starts learning all about food phobias from the other kids.


  1. I think that picky eating isnt a kid defining characteristic so much as a stage. Mine used to be the same way, only now its "one thing off the plate a night". Sometimes its all the chicken, sometimes it's all the bread, and the chicken goes cold.

    Somewhere we read that we should focus on how she eats for the week, and not the day.

    (tons of "sugary" fruits as treats, like bananas and strawberries )help too.

  2. Thanks so much for the comment. It's nice to know that we aren't alone in this. I think I should blog every day about Jack not eating well, since he ate everything put in front of him for both lunch and dinner (snacks too!)
    Maybe he sensed my worry? Probably not. He was just hungry.
