Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Mommies need a break (part deux)

I am scrapping the New Year's Resolution to get 365 posts done this year. I am having trouble finding the time to sit down to collect my thoughts most days so I'm taking the pressure off of myself. I'll blog as often as I can and I'll just remind myself that resolutions rarely stick -- all you have to do to prove this one is walk into my gym in January and then walk into my gym in February. Big difference in the crowds!

To know what kind of day I had today, just read last week's post. Perfect replica. No nap to speak of this morning, then I hauled Jack off to a play date at his gal pal Harper's house. He was the life of the party -- most of the mommies hadn't seen Jack upright yet so it was a proud moment for both of us. He ran around like a madman and (thankfully) didn't hit anyone, break anything or cause any trouble other than being constantly drawn to the buttons on Harper's gigantic TV. On the way home he was the classic Sleepy Baby, rubbing his red eyes and yawning so big that I could see down his throat. Once we got inside and he realized that we were on the way to his room, the yelling and the kicking began. Calmly, I continued on like nothing was happening and tried to get him to lay down. 30 minutes of screaming followed by 20 minutes of calming him down and we were back to playing in the living room.

It just can't be this hard! First, it was 2 good, long naps. Then it was one good, long nap (for 3 days.) Now, we are down to no naps and Jack is so exhausted by the end of the day that he has trouble overnight too! Aaargh! Can't a mommy catch a break??

We've got no plans tomorrow so the timing of the naps isn't so critical. Maybe I'll be able to calm down a little bit and just go with the flow. Probably not, but it's a nice idea, isn't it?

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