12:05 p.m. Wake up from morning nap. Scream for 5 minutes.
12:10 p.m. Diaper change, new clothes, lunch is ready. Still screaming.
12:11 p.m. Mommy offers yogurt. Screaming stops.
12:12 p.m. Yogurt gone. Yum. Jack throws spoon on the floor.
12:13 p.m. Sophie licks spoon. Mommy draws the line and doesn't pick up
spoon. Mommy gets a new spoon.
12:20 p.m. Chicken, yogurt and banana/plum/grape combo mostly in Jack
but also on Jack.
12:25 p.m. Lunch dishes cleaned up. Jack's 3rd clothing change of the day.
12:30 p.m. Blanket out on floor. Playtime has begun. Mommy has turned
off sound on all noisy toys. Jack bangs rattle on table instead.
12:45 p.m. Jack makes first of 10 trips around the coffee table.
Jack forgets to move legs as he moves arms. Jack falls down. Jack cries.
12:46 p.m. Mommy shakes rattle. Jack smiles.
12:50 p.m. Mommy wants to read books. Jack does not. Jack chomps on TV remote.
1: 00 p.m. Mommy decides it is time for fresh air. Time to apply sunscreen.
Jack is not happy.
1:05 p.m. Stroller is packed with blanket, 6 toys, apple snacks, water for
Mommy and juice for Jack, diaper bag, phone and keys
(both for Jack to chew on.)
1:10 p.m. Arrive at park. Find nice spot near the little kids' playground.
Shoo away rabid-looking squirrels. Arrange blanket and all toys.
Settle in for a nice afternoon.
1:15 p.m. Jack would rather climb on stroller than play with toys.
Our nice area is sullied by a homeless man peeing on a tree.
Homeless man walks away. Play area is nice again.
1:30 p.m. Jack swings in the playground. Every time he swings backwards
he throws his head back and laughs. Mommy laughs too.
The day is salvaged.
1:50 p.m. Jack and Mommy play peek-a-boo 12,000 times.
Every time is funnier than the last. For Jack, not for Mommy.
Why did we teach him this game?
3:00 p.m. Arrive home. Mommy anticipates a Jack meltdown.
Circumvents this by offering boobs. Works like a charm.
3:15 p.m. A nap would be great right now. Jack says no.
Jack knows that his eyes are bloodshot, he can't stand up and
he looks like he has been on a 3-day bender but still fights it.
3:30 p.m. Mommy tries for "quiet time." Jack would rather
arch his back and almost fall out of the rocking chair.
Mommy gives up.
4:30 p.m. Stroller ride to pick up Daddy from the train.
A fresh pair of arms would be nice right now.
Jack is in charge of the keys. Keys are yummy.
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