4:00 a.m. Jack wakes up and realizes he is on his tummy
instead of his back. Screams for help.
4:01 a.m. Mommy comes to the rescue. Jack sees
Mommy and decides that food is needed
4:15 a.m. "Breakfast was awesome, Mommy. Let's
play now!"
4:20 a.m. Mommy resigns herself to the fact that
Jack is not going back to bed. Mommy
drinks large caffeinated beverage and
turns on every light in the living room to
simulate daylight.
4:25 a.m. Play. Play. Play. "No, Mommy. I don't like
that toy anymore. Get out another toy. More
toys! More toys!"
4:26 a.m. Almost every toy Jack owns is out on the floor.
4:30 a.m. Done playing with toys. Much more fun to
chase the cat.
4:45 a.m. Stands up and creeps along coffee table. Forgets
that both hands are needed to keep him up. Falls
into coffee table. Cries. Pulls on cat's tail. Laughs.
5:00 a.m. Diaper change. Clothing change #1 due to drool
5:15 a.m. Breakfast #2. Peaches and oatmeal. Yum. Jack's
hands are covered with peaches. Offers hands to
Sophie for cleaning.
5:30 a.m. Mommy washes Jack's face. Jack cries. Mommy
shows Jack "the baby" in the mirror. Jack is happy.
5:45 a.m. Sophie's first of 25 trips outside today. Sun is finally
coming up.
6:00 a.m. Weather Channel check to determine the day's activities.
6:15 a.m. Mommy picks up all of Jack's toys. Jack is happily chewing
on a mixing spoon. Mommy sighs and wonders why she
buys toys.
6:20 a.m. Jack eats cat fur that he found on the floor. Mommy
pretends not to notice.
6:30 a.m. Jack repeatedly seeks out the electrical outlet that Mommy
and Daddy baby-proofed with outlet covers. Jack never
noticed the outlets before Mommy and Daddy "decorated"
them with shiny white plastic things. Mommy says no.
Jack laughs.
6:45 a.m. Apple juice is yummy. Rice cakes are not.
7:00 a.m. Big yawn. Breakfast #3. Jack and Mommy nap in the big
purple chair.
Coming soon to a blog near you: Jack's Afternoon, Jack's Playdate and
Jack's Bedtime Fun
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