I forgot to let you know that Jack's 9 month well-checkup was last week and we have some new stats for you. He is now a whopping 20 pounds (50th percentile) and 30 inches tall (92nd percentile.) In case you are just nodding and smiling right now, not really sure what all of the percentile mumbo jumbo is, don't feel bad! I had to ask too! It just means that out of 100 babies his age, Jack is heavier than 50 of them and taller than 92 of them. Remember when this kid was 4 pounds?? He's healthy as a horse and apparently eating like one or he wouldn't be growing so quickly. Yay baby!
Late breaking news! Last night, our boy slept from 6 pm until 4 am with nary a peep. After a quick (and very early) breakfast, he was back down until 7:15 am. Mommy, on the other hand, tried to go to bed at 8:30 pm and didn't let herself fall asleep until 1 am. Is there a Sleep Lady for mommies?? I'm really glad that I found that book. Not sure how long it will take me to relax enough to let myself sleep better, but at least my insomnia is my own fault and not Jack's!
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