Saturday, September 19, 2009

Top 10 things that Sophie hears around the house these days

  1. Don't lick the baby!
  2. Don't step on the baby!
  3. Get off the baby's blanket!
  4. Get out of the baby's room!
  5. Move it, Sophie!
  6. Let's go to the park! (Sophie jumps up and wags her tail.) Oh, not you, Sophie. I meant Jack and Mommy!
  7. Sophie? Why are you so huge?
  8. Sophie! Don't eat those! Those are for Jack!
  9. Sophie, go lay down!
  10. Sophie, why are you so furry?!
Poor, poor Sophie. She tries so hard. She just loves to lick the baby and snuggle with the baby and knock the baby down. All 112 pounds of her. Our first guilt-reliever was to pass out rawhides and bones and treats like we pass out candy on Halloween. 12 pounds gained. No more treats. Sophie is sad. Things are looking up for her since Jack now loves to have her along on walks as his source of entertainment. Watch the doggie run really fast! Watch Mommy try to keep up! Watch Mommy try to keep the stroller upright. Funny, funny, funny!

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