Jack's three joys in life:
- Boobs
- Swinging (at the playground -- not with other couples)
- T.V. -- especially watching his beloved They Might Be Giants DVDs
It is a sad week at the
Siders house as the
DVD player has called it quits and there has been no vegging out for Jack. We remedied the situation today with a quick trip to Best Buy but Jack fell asleep on the way home so he will just have to wait for the big surprise. We had a lovely lunch at
Qdoba where we learned that babies seem to love cilantro rice. The nice ladies behind the counter gave me a whole bowl of it (gratis!) when I explained this new revelation to her. I wonder what else I can get for free because Jack likes it and, as his spokesperson, I am required to ask for him. Jack really likes T.V. Do you think I can upgrade us to
HD if I reason with the folks at the electronics store?
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