"...on Blueberry Hill."
This is what happens when sleepy babies eat
blueberries. Actually, this might happen to
Jack no matter what his tired-o-meter reads.
The bath water turned blue after this meal.
New foods to add to the favorite column this
week: yogurt, blueberries, plums and rice cakes.
Yep. Rice cakes. Bleech! I guess there's no
accounting for taste. It is kind of cute to watch
him hold them by himself and navigate it towards
his mouth. He just looks so proud when he gets
it right (which isn't too often.)
Sleeping like a log after a big day of baby play.
Happy happy Sunday. It was a really good one
around here. Hope yours was too!
Mmm...blueberries & yogurt...some of Bradley's favorites also. Have you been visited by the "blue-poo" fairy. Bradley's poo turns a lovely shade of violet after eating blueberries.