If there were a competition for spitting -- and
I'm sure there is -- Jack would win. It's not
just raspberries anymore...this kid can get some
real distance now! He can't crawl forward, he
can't seem to realize that it's okay to sleep on his
tummy and he can't chew very well, but he sure
can spit!
In other news, Jack hates cottage cheese. So, if
there was any doubt before, he is really and truly
my son. Much to Rob's dismay, Jack's new favorite
food is yogurt. Plain, sour-tasting yogurt. Rob is
saddened. Also, chicken was a disaster. I am
assuming that Jack would rather be a vegetarian
than to ever let us spoon feed him pureed chicken
breast. Even we were disgusted by this -- have you
ever seen pureed chicken?
We're working hard on saying "mommy" this week...
and by we, I mean me. Jack's favorite syllable is
"mmmmm" and he says it all of the time so it seems
to be an easy jump. I could be imagining it, but I think
he said "cat" earlier this week. Or, it could be him
knocking the wind out of himself as he lunged forward
with his entire body trying to grab for the cat. Now that
I think about it, it sounded more like "Kaaaaack!" Is
that close enough??!
Try giving him YoBaby brand yogurt. It's organic and made w/ whole milk specifically for little ones. Make sure to stir it up good though, because the cream seperates and sits on the top of the yogurt. Bradley's fav is the peach, pear, & banana flavors. YUM!