So Jack is 7 months and 1 week old now. 2 bottom
teeth. Very sharp. Can probably draw blood if he
wanted to. He can crawl backwards and in a circle but
not forwards yet. He can, however, launch himself in
a forward motion but this is only recommended when
on a bed. Floors are not good for face plants! Wild Man
Jack loves to dance and bounce and chew on everything.
He thinks TV is the most amazing thing that he has ever
seen (Mom only lets him watch for 5-10 minutes at a time
while his manicure and pedicure are taking place. PBS only.
I promise! No Barney!) Bath time is cool especially when his
rubber duck is invited for fun but naps are apparently
only for babies. Jack has stated that he is no longer a
baby, therefore, no naps. I miss naps.
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