10. I hardly ever want to throw up when changing a
9. I am the perfect amount of "squishy" for napping
8. Boobs beat the bottle ANY day (in Jack's opinion.)
7. I can make almost any animal noise (and for the
sounds I don't know...I make them up!)
6. I don't lie to Jack at the zoo -- i.e. other parents
will say things like "Yep -- that's an ostrich, all right!"
I check the signs and can honestly report that it's
an EMU, where it's from and what it eats.
5. I taste all of the baby food before Jack does. If I
wouldn't eat it, how can I expect him to?!
4. I'm starting to think that farts are funny.
3. I am an advocate for my son -- and by advocate, I
mean that I am a maniac that yells at medical
personnel when they are not moving fast enough
for Jack's taste (or mine, for that matter.)
2. I do things I do not want to do to make Jack
happy -- i.e. Peek-a-boo 100 times in a row, sing
"5 Little Ducks" 10 times in a row.
1. I have not once-- in 7 months and 2 weeks -- hunted
for a Kleenex in my purse and spit on it to clean off
Jack's face. Enough said.
I love this! #3 sounds familiar...I think I may have done this a time or two at our doctor's office.