Thursday, January 28, 2010

Mommies need a break too.

Just when I start to think I'm pretty good at this mommy thing I have a day like we are having today. I think Jack needs to eat and Jack needs to fling yogurt at me. I know that Jack needs to nap because he has bags under his eyes the size of Rhode Island but he screams bloody murder until I rescue him from the crib. I decide (perhaps unwisely) that we should go to the playground to rid Jack of all of his excess energy and that goes well, he even falls asleep on the way home. But, then comes the awful moment where I try to transfer him from the car to the crib and the horrible cry, scream, wail, sob cycle begins all over again. Jack wants to nurse. Jack doesn't want to nurse. Jack wants to nurse but decides to bite and kick instead. Just as I've almost reached my limit and the tears start to fall (mine, not Jack's) he laughs at me. That's it. I'm at my breaking point. Jack is in the crib. I'm sobbing in the kitchen. Jack is throwing all of his toys out of the crib and onto the floor and screaming "Mama" at the top of his lungs and all I can do is cry and cry and cry. I'm calm now but Jack is wide awake and I want nothing more than to curl up and take a nap. I know that there will always be days like this and that it has nothing to do with whether I'm a good mom or not, but it definitely seem like some sort of test that I'm failing. Today, anyways. There's still a few more hours left for me to feel like I'm redeeming myself. I'm going back in...wish me luck.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Hopefully this will put to rest...

Hopefully this will put to rest any of those doubts I may have concerning a switch at birth. I was going through some old photos and found this one -- me at 13 months old. It looked familiar and I wasn't sure exactly why until I was getting ready to frame Jack's Christmas 2009 photos. Then, it hit me. If Jack was wearing a yellow dress -- circa 1973 -- and if I happened to be donning a Santa suit, we could be twins. Fraternal twins, but twins, nonetheless. The books say that boys tend to resemble their mothers (to aid in the bonding process) and girls favor their fathers (for the same reason.) Not sure if this is the case in all families, but it seems to apply in ours.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Baby Expos are not really for Babies Part Deux

So, as I was saying, Jack would have been more than happy to skip the Baby Expo had we not stumbled upon a room filled with model train sets. Lots and lots of trains. Jack stood behind the yellow Caution tape and pointed at them for upwards of 30 minutes. I'm not sure that he blinked once! I'm not rushing out to purchase a set, but I can see one in our future. I have already given up on ever having a coffee table in the living room or putting my dining room table back into the center of the dining room (it has been pushed against the wall since Jack's birthday party) but where in the hell am I going to put a train set? Maybe I can get rid of the sofa? Anyways, I haven't seen Jack that captivated by anything since he first discovered TV.

When I was finally able to drag Jack away from the trains, we discovered another treasure: A Petting Zoo and Pony Ride Ring! Based on Jack's love of all things "farm" I thought he would relish the chance to not only read about, but actually touch the "moo cows" and "oink oinks." Boy, was I wrong. We circled the ring for a few minutes to get him acclimated to the idea of living, breathing farm animals and Jack was fine with the pig, the sheep and the goats. He was not, however, fine with the gobbling turkeys and the giant black llama that reached its long tongue over the fence in Jack's general direction. He immediately started screaming until he turned bright red and forgot how to breathe. I couldn't get out of there fast enough! Who knew that a bedraggled excuse for a llama could cause such misery?!

Do you know the best cure for llama-phobia? Trains. Jack and I spent 20 more awestruck minutes pointing at every train as it motored by us and the petting zoo was all but forgotten.

Thank god I didn't try to make him ride a pony!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Baby Expos are not really for Babies

Jack and I attended the Colorado Baby and Kidz (their goofy spelling, not mine!) Expo today at the Denver Merchandise Mart. I had no idea what to expect so I guess I can't say that I was disappointed. There was a lot of good information for parents (pre-schools, music lessons, etc.) and lots of things to try and buy. And, how can I forget to mention the free samples. Oh, how I love free samples!

The only truly unique, useful product I found were "Boogie Wipes." These are wet wipes for runny, snotty baby noses. This might not seem like a big deal, but if you ever have to wipe Jack's nose, you will appreciate any help that you can get! You can check them out at:

If you're a mommy like me, you dread hearing the doorbell ring during nap time. I stick a Post-it-Note on the front door that reads (in Sharpie marker) "Please don't knock or ring bell. Baby is sleeping." Fancy? No. But (mostly) effective. There was a vendor selling adorable wooden plaques that Velcro to the doorbell that read "Hush, dreaming." Much more attractive than my method, but $9-$12 can buy a lot of Post-it-notes.
Check them out at

My total winnings and take-home gifts from this event:
  • Numerous formula, baby oil, moisturizer and diaper cream samples.
  • $50 gift certificate to Stroller Strides (stroller exercise classes.)
  • (1) free baby/mommy swimming lesson.
  • A huge handful of Boogie Wipes samples (Jack distracted them while I filled up the diaper bag.)
  • Lots of coupons that I will never use.
  • One red balloon that I stole from one of the vendors to keep Jack happy for 20 extra minutes.

It was a good time but next year I think I'll head to this event alone.
The whole morning would have been a waste of time for Jack until we stumbled upon the...
(to be continued)

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

I am hiding from the baby

I am hiding in my guest bedroom. I was hiding outside earlier, but it got too cold. I am hiding from the baby because the baby is exhausted and he is exhausting me. If I don't hide, he might hear me tiptoeing around and lure me back into his room. I'm a sucker for the tears. His tears, not mine. Mine haven't started yet.

Jack is alternating between whimpering, whining and screaming. It is now 3:00 p.m. and he has been up since 7:00 a.m. without a nap. I know that it is about time to transition from two naps per day down to one, but I didn't think it would be happening today. We have already played this game twice today -- first at 10 and again at 12 and then I just gave up trying. Jack was so tired that he was running into walls, the furniture, the dog. He was trying to lean back -- all cool -- on the sofa and he slid down to the floor and tried to act like he meant to do that. Then, he cried.

He's not fooling me. I'm the mommy. I know better.

He is finally quiet. But, for how long?
I am running out of places to hide...

Monday, January 18, 2010

Things that Jack would say (if he knew more than 2 words)

Here are a few things that Jack would like to say aloud if he were able:

  • I didn't bite you -- I only nibbled!
  • Why are you trying to feed me that? Would you eat it? Ha! I didn't think so!
  • I don't need a nap. I'm fine. Naps are for babies. I'll go to bed early. Really, I will.
  • No. I don't want to. (This is an all-purpose statement.)
  • Where are you going? Why are you leaving me here all by myself? Don't you love me anymore?
  • I think we should get rid of all of the furniture and get a big trampoline instead.
  • I think we should get another cat. Lots of cats, actually. I love cats.
  • You don't need to buckle me in here -- I'll sit still. Really, I will.
  • Read that one again. Now, read it again. And again. And again.
  • You're so pretty! (I'm putting that one in just to make me feel better.)

Sunday, January 17, 2010

He might be messy but he's all we've got!

Who says that drool and boogers can't be cute?

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Mommies Night Out

Six mommies. 3 bottles of wine. Lovely appetizers, dinner and desserts. No babies. No husbands. A perfect night. We set the ground rules beforehand: no discussing babies and no husband-slamming.

What did we do all night? Tried not to discuss babies, which led to some dishing about our husbands, which led us back to talking about babies. Oh well. We tried. I can't really fault us for reverting to comfortable topics. We are mommies. We are wives. We all stay at home (for the most part) and our worlds have gotten very small. That's not a bad thing, that's just new for us. We used to be out in the world. We worked. We took classes. We ran in social circles. Now, we still work but our work is teaching and nurturing (not to mention cleaning and running errands.) We still take classes, but the topics have shifted from Medieval Literature and Thai cooking to baby sign language and Gymboree. We used to run in social circles. Now, we just run in circles. Literally. I know that Jack and I do at least 45 laps each day just in our house alone!
I know there will come a day when we might all return to working outside the home, go back to school or stay out on the town way past our bedtimes, but, for now, I'm totally happy to spend 3 hours with 6 wonderful women who (just a year ago) were total strangers to me. And who, with any luck, will remain my friends for years to come.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Sesame Street ain't what it used to be...

And I don't mean that in a bad way.

I know that I haven't been a regular viewer of Sesame Street since 1977, but a lot has changed since then. They are still very focused on teaching the ABCs and 123s and on instilling wonderful values like kindness and sharing, but the look of the show is quite different.

Some changes to note:
  • There is a laundromat on the Street now, run by an Indian woman. Said laundromat is frequented by an elephant wearing a tutu. I don't think there is anything to infer from this but I thought it was interesting.
  • A veterinarian has taken up residence. What an impressive show of business acumen! How were all of these animals getting their vaccinations before this? Did they have to go to Brooklyn? Is Oscar even an animal? What exactly is Oscar (besides a grouch?)
  • Apparently, Mr. Hooper died. Now, a hilarious Asian guy runs the store and he gets all of the good lines. If I got to be on Sesame Street, I would want to be this guy.
  • Who is Elmo's agent? Man, this Muppet is the focus of, like, 80% of this show! I know he's cute and all, but, seriously, he is really annoying!
  • Bert and Ernie are no longer fixtures on the show. When they do appear, they are starring in Claymation shorts. This is wrong on so many levels...Bert and Ernie are supposed to be made of felt. Not clay. It's creepy.
  • Where is Kermit? Did he die like Mr. Hooper did? Did Elmo -- or Elmo's people -- do something awful to him? Is he swimming with the fishes?
  • Snuffaluffagus looks like hell! Can't someone brush this poor animal? There's a vet on Sesame Street now, for Christ's sakes! Doesn't she notice? Shouldn't Big Bird do something?
  • There is now a celebrity appearing on almost every episode: Anderson Cooper, the Goo Goo Dolls, Sandra Oh, Michelle Obama. The list goes on and on. I don't remember seeing anyone other than the regular cast when I was a viewer. Muppets were the celebrities!
  • The song is different, but the same. Not so sing-songy anymore. More of a hip hop version of its former self. Not sure if this change is for the parents or for the kids. It makes me sad.
This is still one of the best things on TV. We don't sit down to watch the show everyday, or even in its entirety when we do watch, but Jack seems to love it and I might even enjoy it more than he does! It makes me happy to know that there is at least one hour of programming each day where no one gets shot, no one is mean without consequences, no one utters a four-letter word (unless it is "shoe" or "boat" or "rock") and no one dies. Except for poor Mr. Hooper. And maybe Kermit. I'm still looking into that one.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Things that this SAHM is not allowed to do

I know I can't speak for all stay at home moms, but here are some things that I am not allowed to do:
  • Get sick. I have no idea what single parents without family back-up do in this situation, but I had to have Rob stay home from work to watch Jack so I could sleep for 18 hours straight.
  • Plan anything! Just when I think I have Jack's nap times under control, he throws me for a loop and I (and everyone around us) have to suffer through a major meltdown in Aisle 5.
  • Enjoy a 3 hour beauty shop appointment. I haven't been in for a "real" haircut or color in 14 months. Great Clips doesn't count. Neither does a recent mishap with a box of Loreal Feria "Tortoise Shell" haircolor. I can't seem to find 3 spare hours to sit on my butt while someone else does the work, nor can I find the $150 every 8 weeks to make it happen.
  • Shop smartly. I know that I have a growing boy to provide for, but do you know how hard it is to shop from a list, read labels, shuffle coupons and compare prices, all while trying to push a cart containing a baby that is turned around almost backwards in the seat, singing "LA LA LA" at the top of his lungs in your ear??
  • Get to the gym. HA! I can go before 5 a.m. (before Rob goes to work) or after 5 p.m. (when Rob gets home.) The only times I have been up before 5 a.m. in the past year involve a hungry baby and by the time 5 p.m rolls around I am so worn out from the day that washing my face seems like a work out. Guess I'll have to trust the $7/hour day care workers at my gym and suck it up and go during the day.
  • Wear earrings. Naked earlobes are really a must when you have a boy that is constantly poking his finger in your ear (human Q-tip?) and pulling hair, ears and whatever happens to be attached to them.
I think there could be weekly additions to this post. There are lots of things that SAHMs are allowed to do, but that list wouldn't be as funny...

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Jack's 24 words

If I didn't tell you, the pediatrician told us that by Jack's 15 month well visit she would be looking for him to have a vocabulary of 24 words. I laughed at the time and thought "No problem!"

Well, it's a problem.

Jack still only says "Mommy" and "Daddy" aloud. He talks all of the time, but only other babies can understand him (and maybe the cat, I'm not sure.) We are very certain that he understands and recognizes the words or phrases on the following list but I am not sure that they will count as part of the "Big 24."

  1. Batman -- as in "Where's Batman?" There is a big, stuffed Batman hanging on Jack's wall. He will point to it when asked.
  2. Sophie/dog -- Jack will point to either our dog or a picture of a dog in a book when asked.
  3. Lucy/cat
  4. Birdie
  5. Up
  6. Milk
  7. Water
  8. Touchdown! -- Jack will throw his arms in the air when you say "Touchdown!"
  9. Oh my! -- Jack will put his hands onto his cheeks when you say "Oh my..."
  10. Tummy button -- Jack can point to his belly button and tummy. What a genius!
  11. Nose -- Jack will point to your nose, his nose, the dog's nose, you get the idea...
  12. Mouth
  13. Feet
  14. Family -- as in "Where is the family?" Jack will point to photos on our walls that feature all 3 of us.
  15. Telephone -- except that everything is a telephone right now...
  16. Cow/Pig/Duck/Sheep/Goat/Horse -- Jack can distinguish all of the different farm animals now. What is the big deal with babies needing to know this information? Do you know how many farm-related books and toys there are? How many babies are enrolled in 4H? Rural babies? Can't remember the last time I saw a cow roaming the streets of downtown Denver (excluding the Stock Show parade, that is.)
  17. Baby
And, seriously? That's about it right now. If I keep driving in rush hour traffic with Jack, he will most certainly figure out 7 or 8 more words to add to his list but I wouldn't want him repeating those words in polite company...

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

This is what I deal with everyday

Evil, possessed child? Nope! That's just Jack. Being Jack. Pretty scary, huh?

Monday, January 11, 2010

When the only action you're getting is from your baby...?

I haven't had a hickey since I was 16 years old. That streak has been broken. I now have a big, red welt on my shoulder where Jack attached himself like a giant blowfish (or would that be suckerfish?) and I couldn't get him to stop! I don't know if this kid has an oral fixation or if he is still teething or what!? It's pretty sad when the only action you're getting is from your baby.

Other things that have made their way into Jack's mouth in recent days?
  • a pink highlighter
  • a tube of Chapstick
  • every toy he owns -- every toy except his teething toys, of course
  • the ice scraper in the backseat of the car
  • the buttons on every sweater and coat that I own
  • the Sunday comics
  • Rob's bald head (Jack has a fondness for licking it!)
  • our digital camera
  • my cell phone, the house phone, the toy phones
  • the lid from the margarine container
  • Mommy's deodorant
  • Mommy's eyelash curler
It's a wonder that the kid ever gets any actual food in his mouth with all of these other, more attractive items to chomp on.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Neither rain nor sleet...

So much for New Year's resolutions...

Only 5 days into mine and the stomach flu rears its ugly head. I will spare you the gory details, but needless to say, there was little time for blogging. I got it. Rob got it. Thank heavens that Jack was spared. I can handle many things but tiny people vomiting is sheer torture.

Off to bed for a final night of recuperation and back to the land of blog tomorrow!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

January Blahs

I think that Jack and I are both suffering from the January blahs. It's been cold and snowy and we've been cooped up for a few days. We're also missing our Mommy group that has been on an unofficial hiatus during the hectic weeks of late December. After all of the excitement of his first birthday and the extravagance of Christmas we are left with a dirty house full of toys that are already starting to lose their allure. Jack has taken to playing with a saucepan and a colander. $3000 worth of shiny, noisy toys lying around and our kid chooses to play with cooking vessels. Go figure...
We're off to the Children's Museum tomorrow where Jack will ignore most of their toys too.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Why babies don't like to nap (and other burning questions)

Why doesn't my baby seem to enjoy napping? He always looks at me like I am trying to punish him in some way...
What does he think that I am doing while I have him locked away in his "baby jail?"
Am I...
Lying on the sofa eating ice cream out of the pint container? (I wish!)
Running errands? (I think that Children's Protective Services might get involved if this one were true...)
Watching one of his favorite They Might Be Giants DVDs while I eat his yogurt and drink his juice?
Chasing the cat and dog around the house?
Outside building a snowman?
Playing with all of his toys?
Hosting a play date for all of the babies in the neighborhood and giggling about how he is stuck in his crib while we are in the living room having SO much fun?
In all actuality, I am probably working on the computer. Or cleaning. Or doing laundry. Or reading. Or, if I am really lucky, stretched out on the sofa eating ice cream.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Things that Jack ate today

You might be expecting a list of funny things that made their way into Jack's mouth today, but I am being totally serious when I tell you that the following items were the sum total of Jack's meals today:
1 1/2 cups plain yogurt
Most of 1 piece of dry toast
2 (fairly large) handfuls of shredded cheese
1 meatball
1 olive (ended up spitting it out)
2 noodles from a pasta salad
1 cracker
2 bites of cottage cheese
1 ice cream cone (no ice cream...just the cone)
1 serving of Gerber Organics Bananas and Mixed berries
1 hamburger patty
1 pineapple tidbit (also spit out)
3 bites of banana pudding
1 bite of a chocolate chip brownie (God...this was disgusting! When he was done with it he looked like he had just had his stomach pumped with activated charcoal!)
1 sliver of carrot (from a bag of stir fry veggies)
1 sliver of red pepper (from the same bag of veggies)
2 glasses of whole milk
a healthy dose of breast milk (because I think he may be starving for nutrients!)
Granted, many of the weird sounding items came from a salad bar at a restaurant but the rest of the menu was served at Chez Siders. You didn't think that I actually had ice cream cones in the pantry, did you?
I thought that Jack being able to feed himself (sort of) was supposed to broaden his horizons -- I didn't know that it would lead to him eating the same 3 foods for every meal of every day! Is is possible for a child to survive on only dairy products?? I know that Rob and I aren't always the most adventurous eaters, but, come on!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

New year, new worries

I used some of the Christmas money to go buy myself a new book. Not fiction. Not a riveting best seller or something that can carry my mind to far off places. It's "What to expect -- The Toddler Years." Rob and I even had to discuss exactly what a toddler is...
We both came to the conclusion that Jack isn't an infant anymore based on the simple fact that his clothing is sized 18 months now and isn't located in the newborn or infant section of the store anymore. Very scientific! Also, the last "Expecting" book ended at 12 months and I'm pretty sure that parenting doesn't stop then as well.
So far I have looked up the following topics:
Throwing food, bottles and cups
Weaning (see "biting")
How to get your toddler to talk.
This was all much easier when all Jack could do was lay there and coo.
Jack doesn't seem to be biting anyone but me (for now) so, hopefully, with a few more teeth and a complete switch to cow's milk (funny...I've never had to distinguish it that way before this past year) the Dracula impulse will subside. The throwing of food and cups (according to the book) is an assertion of his independence and a good sign that he is on the right path to feeding himself. I am left wondering when he will be on the right path to cleaning up after himself. If it weren't for Sophie, I'd constantly be mopping floors. The talking thing is coming along slowly. He's mastered mommy and is sporadically using daddy. Pointing is his primary method of communication (along with the very effective screaming and crying.) At Jack's 12 month visit the pediatrician recommended that we focus on language skills for the next 3 months since she will be looking for 24 spoken words by the next well visit. Crap! So much pressure! There are days where I don't even think that I use 24 words! I'm hoping that if we don't meet this goal that we won't have to look for a new pediatrician. She can't really "fail" us as parents and discontinue Jack's care, can she??

Friday, January 1, 2010

The Year of 365 Posts

2010. We're not out whooping it up. Not that we ever really whooped it up on New Year's Eve, but if you add up the exorbitant price of babysitting, the over-priced and mediocre food at holiday time in restaurants and the very real dangers of being thrown up on in a bar or being hit by some amateur out on the road and you end up with a quiet evening at home. Jack was asleep by 7 and Rob and I caught up on some much needed t.v. viewing. I'm not too broken up about it. There will be other nights for excitement.
Based on this post's title, you can assume that my New Year's Resolution is to post everyday of this year. Rain, sleet, snow, hail -- nothing can stop me. Short of a major earthquake, I'll do my very best to keep you so "in the know" that you will probably be telling me to stop the flow of information somewhere in mid-February. You may not have asked for it, but here it is: 365 days in the life of Jack Siders (and mom and dad, too!)