Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Jack's 24 words

If I didn't tell you, the pediatrician told us that by Jack's 15 month well visit she would be looking for him to have a vocabulary of 24 words. I laughed at the time and thought "No problem!"

Well, it's a problem.

Jack still only says "Mommy" and "Daddy" aloud. He talks all of the time, but only other babies can understand him (and maybe the cat, I'm not sure.) We are very certain that he understands and recognizes the words or phrases on the following list but I am not sure that they will count as part of the "Big 24."

  1. Batman -- as in "Where's Batman?" There is a big, stuffed Batman hanging on Jack's wall. He will point to it when asked.
  2. Sophie/dog -- Jack will point to either our dog or a picture of a dog in a book when asked.
  3. Lucy/cat
  4. Birdie
  5. Up
  6. Milk
  7. Water
  8. Touchdown! -- Jack will throw his arms in the air when you say "Touchdown!"
  9. Oh my! -- Jack will put his hands onto his cheeks when you say "Oh my..."
  10. Tummy button -- Jack can point to his belly button and tummy. What a genius!
  11. Nose -- Jack will point to your nose, his nose, the dog's nose, you get the idea...
  12. Mouth
  13. Feet
  14. Family -- as in "Where is the family?" Jack will point to photos on our walls that feature all 3 of us.
  15. Telephone -- except that everything is a telephone right now...
  16. Cow/Pig/Duck/Sheep/Goat/Horse -- Jack can distinguish all of the different farm animals now. What is the big deal with babies needing to know this information? Do you know how many farm-related books and toys there are? How many babies are enrolled in 4H? Rural babies? Can't remember the last time I saw a cow roaming the streets of downtown Denver (excluding the Stock Show parade, that is.)
  17. Baby
And, seriously? That's about it right now. If I keep driving in rush hour traffic with Jack, he will most certainly figure out 7 or 8 more words to add to his list but I wouldn't want him repeating those words in polite company...

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