Saturday, January 16, 2010

Mommies Night Out

Six mommies. 3 bottles of wine. Lovely appetizers, dinner and desserts. No babies. No husbands. A perfect night. We set the ground rules beforehand: no discussing babies and no husband-slamming.

What did we do all night? Tried not to discuss babies, which led to some dishing about our husbands, which led us back to talking about babies. Oh well. We tried. I can't really fault us for reverting to comfortable topics. We are mommies. We are wives. We all stay at home (for the most part) and our worlds have gotten very small. That's not a bad thing, that's just new for us. We used to be out in the world. We worked. We took classes. We ran in social circles. Now, we still work but our work is teaching and nurturing (not to mention cleaning and running errands.) We still take classes, but the topics have shifted from Medieval Literature and Thai cooking to baby sign language and Gymboree. We used to run in social circles. Now, we just run in circles. Literally. I know that Jack and I do at least 45 laps each day just in our house alone!
I know there will come a day when we might all return to working outside the home, go back to school or stay out on the town way past our bedtimes, but, for now, I'm totally happy to spend 3 hours with 6 wonderful women who (just a year ago) were total strangers to me. And who, with any luck, will remain my friends for years to come.

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