Sunday, January 10, 2010

Neither rain nor sleet...

So much for New Year's resolutions...

Only 5 days into mine and the stomach flu rears its ugly head. I will spare you the gory details, but needless to say, there was little time for blogging. I got it. Rob got it. Thank heavens that Jack was spared. I can handle many things but tiny people vomiting is sheer torture.

Off to bed for a final night of recuperation and back to the land of blog tomorrow!


  1. I hope you are feeling better. My goodness is is tough to be sick as a mom! I just realized that you are same Amy that helps organize the 2008 Fall Babies, Meetup. I am part of that too, but have only come to one. It's hard when you have two on different schedules. Feel better soon!

  2. Harper threw up tonight. Just once. Then she went to bed. I am hoping that is was a fluke and I really hope the stomach virus doesn't ruin our weekend plans of mommy fun.
