So, as I was saying, Jack would have been more than happy to skip the Baby Expo had we not stumbled upon a room filled with model train sets. Lots and lots of trains. Jack stood behind the yellow Caution tape and pointed at them for upwards of 30 minutes. I'm not sure that he blinked once! I'm not rushing out to purchase a set, but I can see one in our future. I have already given up on ever having a coffee table in the living room or putting my dining room table back into the center of the dining room (it has been pushed against the wall since Jack's birthday party) but where in the hell am I going to put a train set? Maybe I can get rid of the sofa? Anyways, I haven't seen Jack that captivated by anything since he first discovered TV.
When I was finally able to drag Jack away from the trains, we discovered another treasure: A Petting Zoo and Pony Ride Ring! Based on Jack's love of all things "farm" I thought he would relish the chance to not only read about, but actually touch the "moo cows" and "oink oinks." Boy, was I wrong. We circled the ring for a few minutes to get him acclimated to the idea of living, breathing farm animals and Jack was fine with the pig, the sheep and the goats. He was not, however, fine with the gobbling turkeys and the giant black llama that reached its long tongue over the fence in Jack's general direction. He immediately started screaming until he turned bright red and forgot how to breathe. I couldn't get out of there fast enough! Who knew that a bedraggled excuse for a llama could cause such misery?!
Do you know the best cure for llama-phobia? Trains. Jack and I spent 20 more awestruck minutes pointing at every train as it motored by us and the petting zoo was all but forgotten.
Thank god I didn't try to make him ride a pony!
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